Bobo Y, Y standing for Yellow, is a polished design of a fairly simple robot concept.

Bobo Y can drive around, navigate obstacles, and looks adorably cute.
Bobo Y utilizes a simple Arduino Uno compatible (Crowduino Uno) and an L298n based motor driver, with the most of it's effectiveness and polish coming from the refinement of it's design and quality of it's produced parts.
I have designed and produced Bobo Y in three days, from sketch to robot, and have had an absolute blast doing so.
The design philosophy guiding my process was: Small, Cute, Simple and Efficient.
As a result, Bobo Y ended up being modular in it's assembly - it being easy to design and produce new and different parts which would be compatible with it -, highly compact and very small, and utilizing as few technical components as possible, focusing instead on mechanical parts to give it an assist.
The AI of Bobo Y is fairly simple, utilizing a single UltraSonic proximity sensor to detect and avoid front facing obstacles. If approaching an obstacle, Bobo Y will turn around and drive in a different direction. If a sudden intrusion too close in front of it occurs, Bobo Y will take a "step back", going in reverse until it would feel comfortable enough with the sudden obstacle's distance, and then turn around and proceed in a different direction.
Without further ado - Bobo Y:
Some documentation of the modeling process can be viewed in the Photo Gallery below: